National Innovation Center needs Enthusiasts

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Mahabir Pun started National Innovation Center and he is looking for people to come and join his 
organisation to take advantage of his initiation. While many people realise the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation, this incident is an indication that only few or none is seriously interested in them. It is a good topic for detailed dialogue and discussion, but when it is the time to act, no one comes forward.

I am not extremely pessimistic about this situation as the NIC is still in the initial phase of its establishment. It is also highly likely, that NIC hasn't taken enough time and the resources to market its service. Also, the tweet which I'm referring to might be an expression of frustration of an ambitious social worker, who had successfully expanded the reach of internet in rural Nepal in the past. Nevertheless, I agree with him on the fact that more people just love to talk than to act.

This is not the only incident when enthusiasts didn't come to NIC door. There are other similar situations. It is almost every discussion on economic development that speaks about the agricultural sector and its importance. However, only few move ahead to become an agro-entrepreneur. Likewise, little is done in this area. So, basically it is a time for us to walk the talk or even just stop the talk and start the walk.

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